OJOsoft DVD to iPod Converter can rip DVD to iPod supported format such as MP4, MP3, M4A by clicking the buttons of To MP4, To MP3, To M4A.
To learn more about OJOsoft products, buy or activate the products, choose default output folder and temp folder , just click the Help button.
Click the upper Browse… to input DVD movies for ripping to MP4, MP3 or M4A and the input files will be shown in the Input Moive area. The lower Browse… is to choose output folder which will be shown in the Output Folder field.
Choose a proper profile for your output from the preset profiles of OJOsoft DVD to iPod converter with clicking the drop-down list and Edit… more parameters.
The Advanced >> button is to view input DVD movie and output parameters and you can click the big Convert to begin conversion from DVD to iPod supported format such as MP4, MP3 or M4A.
To select audio track with the Audio drop-down list and select subtitles with the Subtitle drop-down list while you can also convert a movie title to several files by chapters with choosing Split By Chapters by the DVD to iPod converter
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